Marcus Pride



Marcus J. Pride is a native of Valdosta, Ga. He was born under the teaching of Bro. Luis Lugo, but raised under the ministry of Leroy Butler Jr. His parents are Bro. Samuel Pride and Sis. Geneva Pride. Marcus is the husband of Almarine Latrice Pride, and with his wife they have three children Morgan, Malcolm, and Matthew.

Marcus was ordained as a Deacon on August 11, 2019.  He also serves as the chair of Interior Maintenance on the Building and Properties Ministry, Prayer Warriors Ministry Leader, and an armor bearer for the evangelist and other gospel ministers who the congregation hosts. He is a devoted Sunday school teacher and assists A.R. Norwood with event coordinating for BLG 4 along with his wife.

Marcus has had the opportunities to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. His desire and goal is to see the Woodlawn Forrest congregation be the best it can be for Christ.

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